Who are Team Emu Draft?


Nicknames: Special K, Killer, Kage

Mechanical skills: Currently none, but can use gaff tape & cable ties, and planning to learn to change a tyre any day now...

Map reading abilities: I once was a girl guide, and watched Alby Mangels on tv as a child

Support crew: Does a sports bra count?

Languages: English & survival Spanish (…possibly useful if we take a seriously wrong turn in France…)

Hobbies: Getting new stamps in my passport, lack luster running (possibly useful if being chased by bandits and the car breaks down)


Nicknames: Sards, Sardinia

Mechanical skills: Able to check radiator, fuel lines, spark plugs and change a tyre – what more do you need to know to get to Mongolia?

Map reading abilities: Previous experience avoiding bog patches whilst hill walking in Ireland (‘I only lost my boot once’ Sardi, 2008)

Support crew: Grape juice & any Alanis Morissette album at full volume

Languages: Australian south coast English

Hobbies: Frolicking in the ocean (…maybe not in Mongolia since it’s a land-locked country…) and not sitting still for too long